Our Maintenance Calculator


  • 15.000 kg: 0.00 €/kg
  • 30.000 kg: 0.00 €/kg
  • 45.000 kg: 0.00 €/kg
  • 60.000 kg: 0.00 €/kg
  • 100.000 kg: 0.00 €/kg

Our cost calculator is designed to help you understand how maintenance costs will affect the price of your foil per kilogram, based on your estimated usage.

By using this calculation, you avoid the need for a separate budget for maintenance services. Instead, all related costs are conveniently included in your foil supplier’s invoice, simplifying your procurement process. This means you won’t need to set up additional suppliers in your system, saving you time and administrative effort.

How to use the calculator:

  1. Enter Maintenance Costs (€):
    Input the total costs associated with maintaining your equipment. This value is in Euros.
  2. Enter Current Foil Price (€/kg):
    Input the current price you are paying per kilogram of foil. For example, if you are currently paying €2.00 per kg, enter “2.00”.
  3. View Results:
    The calculator will then show you how your foil price per kilogram will change based on different usage levels.

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